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Action girl surprises America

Action girl surprises America with her Aussie accent

Jennifer Dudley-Nicholson

August 12, 2009 12:00am

INTERVIEWED on the red carpet at a Los Angeles film premiere recently, Yvonne Strahovski was again asked to explain her surprising accent.

Star of the cult comedy series Chuck, Strahovski talks in such a convincing American accent that Hollywood natives are often shocked to hear her genuine Australian drawl.

But the confusion is all part of a cunning plan by the versatile Aussie, who enrolled in voice lessons while in Australia just in case she won a role abroad.

Not part of the plan? Landing a lead role in a major US TV series in her first week in the country.

"I sent some auditions to America over the internet from Sydney," she says. "I was in Sydney doing stuff on Sea Patrol and I couldn't get over in time for pilot season and one of those auditions was Chuck. I didn't know I had the job until I landed here and the next thing I know they'd hired me within the first week. It was a bit of a shock but a lovely surprise."

Though Strahovski has starred in Australian shows such as Headland and Double the Fist, Chuck is her first US role and one that would be daunting for any actor.

"I get to be the action girl and the girlfriend as well," she says. "It's comedy and it's action and it's lots of things entwined in one so it's been great for me."

Strahovski plays Sarah Walker in the show, a top CIA agent charged with protecting geek-turned-data-source Chuck Bartowski (Zachary Levi) from an array of bad guys, including hairy playboy terrorists and a dormant missile system with codes hidden inside a videogame.

Strahovski says a history of dance training and her "tomboy, athletic" nature helped prepare her for the fight scenes, including a memorable, sprawling catfight with guest star Nicole Ritchie.

Although Strahovski was hired for her ability to look comfortable holding a gun, she admits she had never even seen one before the show.

"They took me to a shooting range before we shot the pilot and since then I've shot a lot of guns on set and I find it really funny that I now know how to use a gun and load and unload it."

The actress is now in training for Chuck's third season, announced after fans launched a nationwide Save Chuck campaign. "It was amazing," she says. "We have the fans to thank for saving the show."

While rumours are already swirling about whether Chuck and Sarah will finally hook up, or whether Sarah will be tempted by Chuck's brother-in-law nicknamed Captain Awesome, Strahovski says she won't know what is in store for her alter-ego until she reads the script that just arrived at her door.

And what is she hoping to see? Plenty more action scenes and the return of some memorable guest stars "like Gary Cole who played my father".

Chuck, Fox8, Thursday, 8.30pm.

Yvonne évoque brièvement la façon dont elle a été choisie pour "Chuck", raconte qu'elle n'avait jamais vu d'armes avant qu'on lui demande d'en utiliser et depuis elle s'amuse beaucoup avec, et attend de la troisième saison encore plus de scènes d'action et le retour de quelques guests-stars comme son "père" Gary Cole.

Ecrit par Nicofac 
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